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Name : Adwina Daulin

ID : 18253

Course : Chemical Engineering

Batch : May 2012

Hometown : Kota Belud, Sabah

Date of Birth : 14th March 1994

Hobbies : Drawing, reading, playing music

Role : 1st Project : Recorder/scriber

           2nd Project : Skeptic 





This project really demanded skills from many aspects, which made for a well-rounded learning outcome. This variation can show one's strengths and weaknesses and, if I were to work alone or with a team of people with similar set of skills as myself, it would be near impossible to complete the project. However, I am blessed with helpful team mates with colorful personalities and gifts that complement each other well and for that I am thankful.


First project

As for my contribution, I added to the initial idea for the board game and critically assessing the concept we came up for any weaknesses. I also took the responsibility of designing the rough idea of the board game and subsequent modifications, leading to the final layout. Besides completing my own e-portfolio, I also utilized and experimented with various presentation software such as Emaze and Prezi to map out the summaries of topics involved in the board game.


Lastly I also learned a lot of video editing due to the video needed to complete the project, using the software Sony Vegas. There was a lot of technicalities that made it difficult but it paid off in the end.


Second Project

The second mini project includes the whole lot of what a chemical engineer should know. There are all the aspects of plant designing, from reseaching and choosing a process (we had chosen Vermicompost) to the completion of PFD, P&ID and other aspects such as HAZOP. Particularly I was in charge of HAZOP which stands for Hazards and Operability Studies, and involved the Hazards and Operability Review. Besides that, my team members and I worked together and had brainstorming sessions to come up with the operating procedure of our process, the design and other details and as it is not often done in a large scale process. All in all, we see the pieces of what we have learnt so far finally fit together and it was a rewarding experience.





I find this subject not too difficult and somehow I could grasp it better when we started Chapter 4 : Isothermal Reactor Design because I could relate the first three chapters together and learn how each is important.



I learned a lot in this course and it interests me greatly as safety is something that should be taken seriously in even the smallest or menial detail. There are many calculations involved and I find the many formulas a bit overwhelming as I am not keen on memorization.



I have some difficulty grasping this course as it involves a lot of formulas. I am grateful for the tutorial sessions as they shed some light on understanding the course better.





The best thing I got out of this project so far was experiencing the process of development of a game, in this case a board game. I would never have known how difficult it would be to come up with something interesting as well as fulfilling the objective of learning the three courses KRD, PSLP and CPDIC, yet my team and I worked out something we were proud of.


The concept is a journey on a board where 4 players roll a die and their progress depends on their ability to answer questions related to the courses. There are difficulty levels where we have classified the questions into categories easy, medium and hard. For easy, it is mostly straight forward questions, medium may involve some calculations and hard covers longer questions as well as high order thinking questions. The part that took most of the team’s strength was coming up with questions, which was the core aspect of the game. My other group mates contributed a lot in that aspect.



The questions were easily distinguishable from each chapter. The harder questions involve derivation which requires some time to answer.



The questions involve the formulas but there are also questions regarding past events that will get the player thinking.



The questions for this course are quite challenging in my opinion. One has to be well versed in the subject to answer some of the more difficult questions.


Second Project


The second mini project includes the whole lot of what a chemical engineer should know. There are all the aspects of plant designing, from reseaching and choosing a process (we had chosen Vermicompost) to the completion of PFD, P&ID and other aspects such as HAZOP. Particularly I was in charge of HAZOP which stands for Hazards and Operability Studies, and involved the Hazards and Operability Review. Besides that, my team members and I worked together and had brainstorming sessions to come up with the operating procedure of our process, the design and other details and as it is not often done in a large scale process. All in all, we see the pieces of what we have learnt so far finally fit together and it was a rewarding experience.




First Half of Semester




I find this subject not too difficult and somehow I could grasp it better when we started Chapter 4 : Isothermal Reactor Design because I could relate the first three chapters together and learn how each is important.




I learned a lot in this course and it interests me greatly as safety is something that should be taken seriously in even the smallest or menial detail. There are many calculations involved and I find the many formulas a bit overwhelming as I am not keen on memorization.




I have some difficulty grasping this course as it involves a lot of formulas. I am grateful for the tutorial sessions as they shed some light on understanding the course better.


Second Half of Semester




The learning style changed as we adapted different methods that previously I was not aware of being practical. Our lecturer was understanding and did his best to lead us through the syllabus. I found the chapters to be complicated yet the questions we tried together as well as the quizzes kept me on track and I felt more confident in my understanding.




The chapters focused more hazards and how to prevent them and measures to ensure processes ran without a hitch. Formulas are understandably abundant but the activities and assignments done made it easy to understand how to apply them. 




The class sessions were quite fast sometimes but the questions that were discussed together had a positive impact on the knowledge and understanding I get.

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